Keep These Smiles Alive
Keep These Smiles Alive
Keep These Smiles Alive
Keep These Smiles Alive
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Bright Children for a Bright Future

As per the reports published by ASER center, more and more children in India are being enrolled in schools today. However, most of these children, a higher proportion of girls specifically, drop out within a couple of years either to feed their families through temporary jobs or because of unfavorable social conditions they come from.

These children come from distressed socioeconomic communities, never get  enrolled in schools and, often lost in the cracks of our society. This result in  forced labor  and at times  become victims of human trafficking.  

KADAM is an imperative step towards shaping the future of children. We believe if given a chance to study, every child can shape their future per their dreams. They can get a new perspective of respectful life.

Our Model

Help Us Help Them

To learn more about our model, please click here…

Our Impact

We Can Help Your Business Give Back

To learn more about the impact we have made so far, please click here…

Donor Testimonials

Government Support Guarantees Our Success

To know more about what our donors think about us, please click here…

Exposure to the world beyond classrooms…

ISB Bandhan Event
Indian Super League
ISB Students Visit
B School Students Visit

Help Us and Help India's Future

From education to transportation (to and from school) to medical resources, we believe that a child's entire life should be supported in order for them to grow into responsible, contributing adults. This is why we exist. This is why we not only pay for each child's education right up to graduation, but we pay for their medical needs, as well as their parents'!